Fast and Easy Shipping for Your Kickstarter Campaign

fast and easy shipping for your kickstarter campaign
(Or Indiegogo, if that’s what you’re using.) There are plenty of crowdfunding platforms out there, but everyone who uses them…
Written by Vinny Gersen
April 25, 2014




(Or Indiegogo, if that’s what you’re using.) There are plenty of crowdfunding platforms out there, but everyone who uses them…
Written by Vinny Gersen
April 25, 2014




(Or Indiegogo, if that’s what you’re using.)

There are plenty of crowdfunding platforms out there, but everyone who uses them to create a product all have one thing in common: they need to ship a lot of stuff, and they need to do it quickly and easily. Here’s the thing: Kickstarter and Indiegogo users are entrepreneurial, and they certainly exceed at solving problems, but few of them are shipping wizards. Enter Shipedge.



You see, Shipedge is passionate not only about our business–shipping–we’re also passionate about yours. We want you to succeed just as much as you do, and we provide invaluable services to people with crowdfunding campaigns, like storage, inventory management, and amazing shipping rates. We also save you an extraordinary amount of time, and if there’s one thing entrepreneurs do not have a lot of, it’s time.

You’re too busy to research how to properly mail board games to Denmark (and believe us: returns on those can be pricey), nor do you have time to buy boxes, assemble them, package your products, label them correctly and drop them off at all the major mail carriers. You know who doeshave time to do all those things? You guessed it! Shipedge.


Hello, again!

Our entire focus is on making the shipping process as fast and easy as possible for our clients. But we’re not just a place where you can store your goods and ship them out (though that is a part of what we do). Our software is where we shine: it allows you to manage your inventory as much or as little as you’d like, and you can do so anywhere you can get online (i.e. pretty much everywhere).

So if you’ve done crowdfunding campaigns in the past–or even if you haven’t–partner with us and your shipping woes are over before they even begin. No more looking up prices to Australia, or comparing DHL’s shipping rates vs UPS, or trying to fit thirty pallets in your garage. We’ve got you covered. Just send us your products, let us integrate with your shopping cart, and say goodbye to stress.


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