SynSets stands for Synonym/alias and Sets/bundles. SynSets allows you to sell combinations of products as a new product listing in the channel of sales. Shipedge will automatically translate the Channel Sku into the Sku(s) that the warehouse(WMS) understands for easy pick & pack.

Synsets with Mix Max: Sometimes orders include more than 1 Synset. If the order requires to divide the units into multiple boxes, it would be hard to keep all synsets together. Shipedge solves this by automating the division of orders into boxes. Just set a maximum number of certain synset per box by filling in the Mix Max Column in the SynSets view. If your order includes more than MixMax number of SynSets, the number of extra units would be automatically included into a new package.

Only so much can fit in a box. Auto-divide bundles with mix-max
BOM SKU requires a Manufacturing module. It stands for Build of Materials. Basically Shipedge will keep track of inventory for the components required to create a Finished Good. Combined with the manufacturing module, Synset becomes the place is where the components and quantities are stored and they point to another Shipedge SKU that is the Finished Good Sku. Unlike SynSets which are abreviations for pick & pack many Skus on the fly. Manufacturing allows the WMS user to create more stock of Finished goods at will, creating work orders to pick the components to add new units of certain Finished Good. Additional features include build on demand, push/pull manufacturing, forecasting of parts and the detectation of missing components to fill a PO. Shipedge keeps track of inventory for boths: components and Finished Goods.

Example of components would be the pedals (2 needed) and the finished Sku would be “1bike”