Shipedge Version 10.6

What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely monitoring everchanging e-commerce and fulfillment logistics…
Written by Vinny Gersen
October 21, 2021




What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely monitoring everchanging e-commerce and fulfillment logistics…
Written by Vinny Gersen
October 21, 2021




What’s new in 10.6?

We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely monitoring everchanging e-commerce and fulfillment logistics industry trends. So we’re proud to announce some new things; added new integrations, expanded deep Amazon connectivity, and a bigger Open API.

New Integrations

Deep Amazon Programs Integration

Amazon leads the eCommerce industry and has many programs designed to drive online sales but also improve fulfillment logistics, so we’ve decided to tap into many of their new programs and tap into existing programs last a deeper level.

amazon 1

FBA Prep / Inventory Inbound

(Out of Beta)

Inbound Preview – Prechecking your FBA Shipment plans will prevent costly inbound errors like; sending blocked products, sending too much product, etc.

Shipment Plan Generation – Amazon will automatically tell Shipedge how to split your FBA inbound request into individual shipment plans.

Labels & Amazon Partnered Transport – FN SKU, Box Content, and even transportation labels can be printed after it is booked through Amazon via the Shipedge WMS.

Amazon MultiChannel Fulfillment


Route non-Amazon orders to FBA – Now you can take orders from any of the 75+ channels that we integrate with and fulfill those orders using FBA.

Use FBA inventory – You can use the inventory you keep in the FBA network to fulfill both Amazon and non-Amazon orders.

Retailer Dropship Compliance – Amazon’s MultiChannel Fulfillment program allows you to also use unbranded boxes and opt-out of Amazon Logistics delivery. (settings in OMS)

FBA Order & Inventory Import


Import FBA stock level data – Amazon FBA inventory stock level information can mirror into a Shipedge DC to help with routing decisions that have inventory considerations / logic.

Amazon FBA Order Import – Importing FBA Shipped order data can be helpful for consumer heatmapping or purchase planning.

Amazon Vendor Central – Direct Fulfillment

Fulfill Vendor Central DTC Orders – Amazon lets certain Vendor Central account holders opt in to self-fulfillment for Direct-to-Consumer orders flowing through Vendor Central.

This program is for large brand owners who have their own network of fulfillment capable facilities.

Expanded Open API Connectivity

We have added many new endpoints in our Open API to allow for more connectivity with 3rd party applications (ex. ERP, WMS, WES, headless commerce, etc..) and reduce the need for manual processes when sending or receiving data from other software in your operations tech stack.

Inventory API & Webhooks – Now you can integrate inventory data and stock levels with other WMS or WES (like automated material handling systems) using our restful API. For a trigger-based, real-time approach we even have webhooks to send inventory updates to other systems.

Order Fulfillment API – We’ve created API endpoints to also manage order fulfillment in our WMS using other systems. These new endpoints allow you to move orders from Pending to Processing or mark orders as Shipped when shipping in other systems.

Order Metadata – There is now the ability to add or pull metadata information related to order records, fulfillable items on an order, order financial data, and even items that require detailed serial number tracking.

Reverse Logistics / Returns – RMAs and other return functionality are now available by API and returns systems or shopping carts would be able to use these to tap into your logistics system to sync reverse logistics information.

Canceled Order Webhook – With this webhook, you are able to let other systems know when orders are canceled in our OMS.

Checkout Version 10.6 Changelog


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