Data is Helping Supply Chain Disruptions

Data in Business Data has become indispensable across all industries. It is used in the form of facts, figures, and information stored in databases. Big data, in particular, is used in everyday life, whether in shopping, navigation, energy consumption, or...

E-Commerce Best Practices (Part 1)

E-Commerce Business Best Practices Part 1 So You Want to Start an E-Commerce Business After reading all the success stories about entrepreneurs making a living in e-commerce, you’ve decided that you want to start your own online business. You have a great idea,...

5 WMS Benefits for eCommerce Sellers

In this article, we will be exploring the warehouse management system or WMS benefits for your inventory management and order fulfillment operations. What is a WMS? A Warehouse Management System (WMS) a software solution that helps to manage your inventory and all...

Shipedge is ISO 27001:2013 Certified by NQA!

Our ISO Certification and Compliance Shipedge is proud to announce that we have been audited by the NQA and are officially ISO 27001:2013 certified and compliant! As a SaaS company, are dedicated to protecting our customers’ data and information. Why Choosing an...

Shipedge Version 10.8.1

What’s new in 10.8.1? At Shipedge, we pride ourselves on updating our software frequently in ways that benefit our clients businesses. We are proud to announce new features and integrations with our most recent release. New Features Check out the list of the main new...

Shipedge Version 10.6

What’s new in 10.6? We’ve been listening to your needs as well as closely monitoring everchanging e-commerce and fulfillment logistics industry trends. So we’re proud to announce some new things; added new integrations, expanded deep Amazon connectivity, and a bigger...

Shipedge is supporting essential businesses

Shipedge COVID-19 update Dear Valued Customer, There’s no doubt that the workflow of our jobs and our lives are changing fast. With many of us doing work remotely for the first time, some of us are caring for children and filling in as teachers simultaneously. These...

Shipedge Version 9.9.1

Release Notes Note:  You will need to clear your browser cache to see some of the improvements.  The WMS is optimized to work in Chrome. Some items outlined in this document have already launched as hotfixes, but the majority are part of...

Shipedge Version 9.8.3

Shipedge Improvements We are sending you this email to let you know that Shipedge is rolling out some updates, and fixes tonight 10PM EST before the holiday rush.  The Xenvio server will be upgraded to double the shipping labels processing speed. We are also...

Shipedge Version 9.8

Release Notes​ Note:  You will need to clear your browser cache to see some of the improvements.  The WMS is optimized to work in Chrome. New Support Website New webpage for video-enhanced documentation We have migrated all courses and...
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shipedge platform products

Lets see how Shipedge can help your organization with a Free Consultation!

Reduce operating expenses, unlock additional revenue, reduce operational risk, and grow your organization.

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