3 Technologies That Could Change Shipping Forever

Drones and printers and tubes, oh my! Shipping, at its core, is about getting goods from place to another. Human beings have been moving things around ever since we floated giant slabs of granite down the Nile to build the Pyramids, but as technology has...

Kickstarter Tip: Think About Shipping Now

Do you really know how much money you need? I’m sure you know about Kickstarter, everybody’s favorite crowdfunding platform. People have used it to fund everything from board games to the new Veronica Mars movie. If you’re an entrepreneur with a passion and you’re...

How to Use Social Media Platforms (As a Business)

No two platforms are quite the same. Think of social media platforms as tools in your marketing toolbox. You wouldn’t use a hammer to tighten a screw, would you? So why do people treat Facebook like Twitter? And if you never used your pliers, you’d be...

5 Tips to Boost Your Site’s SEO

If you want to be read, you’ve got to be found. Search Engine Optimization (or SEO, as it’s often called) is extremely important for every site on the web. No matter how beautiful your pages look, nor how wittily they’re written, you’re practically invisible if...
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Lets see how Shipedge can help your organization with a Free Consultation!

Reduce operating expenses, unlock additional revenue, reduce operational risk, and grow your organization.

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