The Ultimate Order Management System Guide

What is an Order Management System and what does it do? An order management system, or OMS, is a computer software system used in multiple industries for order entry and processing. It is mostly used in the logistics, shipping and fulfillment industries by fulfillment...

The First Integrated OmniChannel OMS & WMS Solution

Shipedge is the first… Seamlessly integrated Omnichannel Order Management and Warehouse Inventory Management Solution on the market. OmniChannel: A word that just a decade or so ago was probably non-existent in the vocabulary of most people around the world. Recently...

How to Comply With the CAN-SPAM Act (and Avoid Huge Fines)

Spam is a lot pricier than you think. No, we’re not talking about Hormel’s canned meat product. We mean email spam, the kind you get that’s full of “great deals” on all kinds of dubious products. No one likes receiving spam, but did you...

Cross-Docking: We Do It (and You Should Too)

If you don’t know what cross-docking is, (or Just-in-time Inventory), sit back and relax–we’ll fill you in. Let’s look at Jack and Jane. They run a successful eCommerce business selling high-end clothing through various online stores. They...

4 Fantastic Examples of Great Customer Service

Because pleasing your customers is just good business. At the end of the day, what should matter most to any company is whether they’re making their customers happy. If your customers are happy with your business, your business will succeed, right? So most...

Fast and Easy Shipping for Your Kickstarter Campaign

(Or Indiegogo, if that’s what you’re using.) There are plenty of crowdfunding platforms out there, but everyone who uses them to create a product all have one thing in common: they need to ship a lot of stuff, and they need to do it quickly and easily. Here’s the...

8 Quotes on Adversity’s Good Points

It is through fire we are forged. Nobody likes losing. Why would you? The word “loser” is an insult for a reason. And yet, winning all the time isn’t great either. (Twilight Zone did a whole episode about the idea.) Plus no one really wins all the time anyway–We...
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Reduce operating expenses, unlock additional revenue, reduce operational risk, and grow your organization.

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